Packaging process manufacturing line

Why Use A Single Source Packaging Supplier? 

  • 29th July 2022
  • 7 min read

To single source supply your packaging, or not to single source supply your packaging, that is the question. 

From the COVID-19 pandemic that saw several companies transition to online business models, to organisations having to adapt to rising prices and strained resources following the war in Ukraine and cost of living crisis, business leaders have been tasked with the seemingly impossible. 

They must streamline costs whilst hitting ever increasing targets and workloads whilst navigating unknown territories. 

One way to alleviate these pressures, reduce costs, improve overall service and economies of scale is by consolidating your packaging materials and processes. 

Improving packaging efficiency through single source packaging 

From sourcing the right materials, to understanding the implications of plastic packaging tax and finding a logistics solution that works for your company, there are several components that go into choosing the right packaging for your business

If you’re utilising several suppliers for your packaging, you’ll have more administration costs and inventory to juggle. 

For example, if you’re getting void fill from one supplier, tapes and labels from a different company and cardboard boxes from another, you’ll have to orchestrate your delivery dates, and ensure your packaging materials work well together. 

If these products don’t work well together, or there’s an issue with dispatch, it can lead to slower packaging times, delayed delivery times, damage in transit and even loss of business. 

When you get your packaging materials from several different manufacturers, there will be instances where you have to order more pallets than you need so that you can meet minimum order requirements. However, should you choose a single packaging supplier such as Titan, you just order what you need, saving you money and storage space. 

The benefits of using single source suppliers 

When you opt for one company to source the right packaging materials, streamline your packaging process and find a contingency solution that suits you. Benefits also include: 

Better cost savings 

A single source packaging supplier can help you cut costs and save money on processes, distribution and reduced administration.

Additionally, packaging consultants can support you from the moment you start your packaging journey, ensuring your packaging markets your product effectively and communicates your brand’s values. 

From testing the right materials to protect your products during transit, to designing innovative packaging that sets you apart from your competitors, a single source supplier can reduce the likelihood of products damaged during transit. 

When you have a clear view of how much everything costs from one supplier, you can set budgets and control costs, making it easier to scale and grow your business. 

Reduced admin and improved Invoicing

When you choose one supplier for all of your packaging needs, your accounts team won’t have to deal with several receipts and invoices from multiple suppliers. 

This is because a single source supplier can combine all expenditure into a monthly single invoice. As a result, administration is reduced significantly and outgoing costs become much more manageable.

Improved stock management and holding 

Packaging materials require storage, and not every company has the space to hold the materials they need. 

This is where single source packaging suppliers such as Titan Packaging come in. You can agree on a stock holding plan that works for you, freeing up valuable warehouse space for your stock. 

Streamlined deliveries 

If you choose several different suppliers for your packaging materials, you’ll have to orchestrate a lot of deliveries from different suppliers - if you have more than one location, you will need to manage this as well. 

This also means different contacts and tracking information across various companies, which can be difficult to manage, especially if something goes wrong. However, with a one source supplier you have a single point of contact. As all your materials come from one supplier, it can all be delivered on one journey, reducing the amount of trips and vehicles on the road, helping to reduce your business’s carbon footprint. 

Consistent materials and processes 

Consistency plays a key part in customer satisfaction and loyalty, so it’s vital to ensure you have good quality packaging that protects your products and survives transit. 

However, consistency is difficult to manage if you’re using several distributors and have no transparency surrounding packaging stock. 

For example, if you’re a retailer managing your business across several different locations, one shop may be ordering branded packaging from a national distributor, whilst another one purchases boxes and tape from a post office. This means your brand isn’t delivering the same experience and quality of service to every customer. 

When you opt for a single source supplier, you can rest assured you’re getting packaging materials at a competitive price, and every customer is getting the same packaging experience. This is critical if you’re striving to build strong brand awareness, pantones and great unboxing experience for your company. 

Efficient packaging processes

When you choose to work with a consultant for all of your packaging requirements, you can streamline the process as they’ll have access to the latest technology and trends. 

At Titan, we’ve seen first-hand the impact that poor packaging strategies have on a business. From creating bottlenecks to causing further delays and harming brand reputation, when packaging goes wrong, it can make or break a customer’s decision to buy from you.

Whether you need a fully integrated automated packaging machine that will revolutionise the entire process, to low-cost, basic automation such as pack benches and conveyor belts, automated packaging systems can optimise efficiency, throughput and ultimately increase profitability and efficiency. 

When you choose to partner with Titan Packaging, we’ll optimise your entire packaging process, ensuring all packers follow the same processes and have access to the equipment they need, making your packaging process as streamlined as possible. 

Driving decisions through data 

Data is incredibly powerful and can be used to further streamline your packaging process if you choose the right packaging consultant. 

This is because one supplier will have all the information needed, saving you time having to scramble and gather all information from multiple suppliers - this is even more challenging if the right data isn’t being gathered. 

When you choose to partner with single source packaging consultants such as Titan Packaging, you’ll have access to all the data you need so that you can forecast, report and make decisions with confidence. 

Speak to our expert packaging consultants 

Companies must evolve and remain agile to the ever-changing market. This means it can be difficult to find the right kind of packaging that works for your business. This is why choosing a single source supplier can help overcome this. 

Businesses such as Titan Packaging will review your packaging process from start to finish and help you transition to a more sustainable, cost-effective packaging process that follows the plastic tax guidance. Speak to one of our experts.

Written by: Samantha Hanson Procurement Director

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